Welcome to Samadhi Buddhist Vihara Official Website

Samadhi Buddhist Vihara is the main Sri Lankan based Buddhist temple in the south island of New Zealand. Situated in 358 Maddisons Road, Rolleston Samadhi Buddhist Vihara extends its services to the other far away cities in the south island, such as Dunedin and Invercargill.

Samadhi Buddhist Vihara was established in may 2002 with the support of Sri Lankan and other Buddhist well-wishers in New Zealand to fulfill the religious and spiritual aspirations of the Buddhist community in the south island.Samadhi Buddhist Vihara follows Theravada Buddhist tradition and provides spiritual guidance to integrate Lord Buddha’s teachings into everyday life of the Buddhist community.

The Vihara has been the center for many spiritual and cultural activities of the Sri Lankan Buddhists living in the south island.

The community has been positively influenced through the association and participation of these activities. It has been a great pleasure to see the section of community who always had a close liaison with the temple, expanding their spiritual and cultural awareness as well as another section becoming interested in the teachings of Buddha.

This centre currently conducts many regular programmes including monthly Sil programmes, weekly Sri Lankan language and cultural school Dhamma School, weekly Dhamma discussions during the Vassana (rainy) season, meditation retreats as well as annual events such as celebration of Vesak, Katina robe ceremony and other religious and social activities.

The Dhamma library of the Vihara is being maintained in a high quality, providing knowledge to those who seek refuge of Lord Buddha’s teachings. The aim of Samadhi Buddhist Vihara is to provide a unique environment whereby the community can grow in unity and develop in physical, psychological and social dimensions with spiritual awareness and understanding according to the teachings of Lord Buddha.

Samadhi Buddhist Vihara welcomes patron contributions for its ongoing projects, maintenance, and future developments. For more information, please download the leaflet from this link.

Samadhi Buddhist Trust

The Samadhi Buddhist Trust is comprised representatives from Christchurch and Dunedin. This committee is the main link between the Vihara and the Buddhist community in the South Island of New Zealand, and it plays a very important role in maintaining the Vihara, as well as in organizing special functions for the benefit of the Sri Lankan Buddhist community residing in the South Island.

Samadhi Buddhist Trust Members 2023-2024

PatronVen. Makuldeniye Somarathana Thero
PresidentNishaka Ranaweera
SecretarySujani Ariyadasa
TreasurerSalinda Withanarachchi
Trust Board MembersNishaka Ranaweera
Mahesh Jayatilaka
Noel Rasin
Salinda Withanaarachchi
Nirmalee Udawatte
Sujani Ariyadasa
Duminda Kuruppuarachchi

Sub-Committee Members 2023-2024

Religious ActivitiesLalith Wickramanayake
Amali Wanasinghe
Fund RaisingNirmalee Udawatte
Ganga Mendis
Manjula Kularathna
Temple Development & MaintenanceJanisha Bamunuarachchi
Website MaintenanceDuminda Kuruppuarachchi
Dana CoordinationSamanthika Wijesinghe
Iresha Kaluarachchi